Enquiries@policeconduct.gov.uk FAO: Rosemary Gannon Re: Contact with IOPC 1st July 2021, 0300 020 0096. Further to our telephone conversation of this morning, I can confirm that the IOPC should be able to find all of the relevant details regarding my continuing battle with my disgusting, abusive and threatening [even violent] neighbours at www.dwaustin.net . I understand that WMP, as with all forces, are presently under pressure - but given the state of Blighty, isn't that always the the position? I consider that my cases should be given priority, given that some complaints go back almost 12 months: First case - 'Western Front': 6th August 2020 Chief Inspector Greasley Professional Standards Department Dear Inspector Greasley, I am in receipt of your letter dated 31st July 2020 in which you write that any appeal must be made within 28 days of an end of investigation letter and that my appeal is out of time, despite a correspondence, dated 24th June 2020, from Christopher Todd apologising for an "administrative error" that resulted in my appeal being "overlooked". A letter, signed by Karen Burnham and dated 22nd August 2019 (presumably the correspondence referred to in your own letter as finalising a complaint on 22nd August 2019 by way of local resolution) was replied to almost immediately with an emailed confirmation of receipt being received on Friday 23rd August 2019 at 14:01; for your convenience, and for clarity, I shall reproduce its essential contents here: Thank you for submitting your appeal form. This has been forwarded to the Professional Standards Department as the relevant appeal body, and your appeal will be considered by a senior officer in that department. We aim to keep you updated every 28 days. Here is a summary of the information you provided. Your name: David Austin Your email address: mail@dwaustin.net Your phone number: 07747095166 Your address line 1: 162 High Street Your address line 2: Lye Village Your town or area: Stourbridge Your postcode: DY9 8LT Date which you made your complaint: 28-04-2019 Name of the force dealing with your complaint: West Midlands Police Date of the decision letter: 20-08-2019 Reason for your appeal: I am in increased danger of an assault due to WMP's reluctance to interview my neighbour - a repeat of the threats, this time "I'll kill you", has recently been made in the High Street (7:30pm Tuesday 20th August, after much pushing earlier at 7pm), again with witnesses (numbering approximately one hundred!) and was accompanied by a form of "Liverpool Kiss" in which 164's forehead touched mine and his head lowered to touch noses (possibly also described as some sort of 'rut'). Surely you must now appreciate, Inspector, that any delay in resolving this issue is not down to yours truly? Etc, David Austin mail@dwaustin.net Second case - 'Home Front': To: ps_complaints@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk 15th February 2021: Subject: FAO Investigations Department, WMP; Crime Numbers: 20DY/97321X/20 - ASB [Anti-social behaviour] and 20DY/97326N/20 - Assault; WMPCC Reference: 2020-01005; Dear Investigations, Gemma Bridgwater of the Commissioner's Office has suggested I try another electronic communication. I have included most of Gemma's note below. I have also included the text of most of my original message to the Commissioner, below, which includes the text of my original complaint regarding the Police' reluctance to take action in this case; a screen-shot confirming the receipt of my original complaint is attached. Can I request a response? DAustin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th November WMPCC Reference: 2020-01005 I am emailing you following our telephone conversation on the 16th November 2020: Since, I have contacted the Professional Standards Department and have been informed that your concerns have been forwarded to the Investigations Department. I have been advised that a member of the Team will therefore be contacting you in due course in order to provide you with an update. Gemma Bridgwater Business Support Officer West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6NQ Tel: 0121 626 6060 Madam/Sir, I have made elaborate arrangements to avoid a confrontation with my neighbour which curtail my activities and seriously damage my way-of-life; I have complained, through the official channels, that WMP has not taken any action against my neighbour, but WMP continue to claim an absence of documentation - very convenient! I have copied below the latest correspondence, which contains the original complaint, and which should contain sufficient references to trace the history of this unfortunate, but very unpleasant case; no reply has been received. Etc, DWAustin mail@dwaustin.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request For Update On A Crime That Has Been Reported On The Phone, 26/9/20 [Sent 10:12 to: contactus@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk] Madam/Sir, The confirmation of receipt of my on-line complaint did not come with a reference, hence my aid to identification: "Complaint submitted Monday 13th July 2020 (submission confirmation received 0938)." I imagined [sic] that the complaint could be traced from that information. The original issue is complicated as there are various offences and crime numbers relating to this complaint, but it may be helpful to supply the text of the 'complaint information': Please find a copy of your complaint information below: 1. Complainant details Complainant name Mr David Austin Date of birth Friday, May 27, 1955 - 00:00 Place of birth Kingston Occupation Teacher/Tutor/Lecturer 2. Equality of service monitoring form Gender Male Sexual orientation Heterosexual Disability None Ethnicity Prefer not to say Religious belief Prefer not to say 3. Complainant contact details Complainant address 162 High Street Lye Village Stourbridge, West Midlands. DY9 8LT Email address mail@dwaustin.net Telephone number 07747095166 Preferred method of contact Email 4. Agent details Is an agent acting on behalf of the complainant? No 5. Details of your complaint Start date of incident Friday, April 24, 2020 - 00:00 Start time of incident 1540 End date of incident Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 00:00 End time of incident 1110 Incident location Landing, apartments 157-162 High Street Lye Stourbridge DY9 8LT Incident number (if known) Crime Numbers: 20DY/97321X/20 - ASB and 20DY/97326N/20 - Assault 6. What is your complaint about? Describe your complaint My neighbour, Philip Bradley (157 High Street DY9 8LT) still represents a source of considerable anxiety; his documented threats of violence and his approach towards me up the stairs and onto the landing (incident of 23/24 April), resisted by a hand to the throat, are 'unresolved' as I may well encounter Philip on my way out of or into the building. WMP considers there is "no independent evidence to support a prosecution" yet no witness can be considered entirely independent, for reasons of inherent bias, and two other witnesses were present on the landing - my immediate neighbours Colin Smart and his 'friend' Carole (both of 161 High Street DY9 8LT). 7. Complaint resolution What is your expected resolution? Some action in the form of a prosecution, caution, warning or apology, at least, to signal a reduced chance of further threatening behaviour and assaults. 8. Complaint circumstances Does your complaint arise from the complainant's arrest? No 9. Members of the police service subject of complaint. Are there any other members involved? No 10. Witnesses to the incident Were there any witnesses to the incident? Yes Witness first name Colin Witness last name Smart Witness address 161 High Street Lye Stourbridge, W Mids. DY9 8LT Were there any other witnesses? Yes Witness first name Carole Witness last name Unknown Witness address 161 High Street Lye Stourbridge, W Mids. DY9 8LT 11. Additional Information Please use this section to provide any extra information It is unfortunate and rather sad that over a decade of at least 'functional' neighbourly relations between two adults of the same age, hue and gender have declined so drastically; the reason is Philip's decision to bring a dog into the 'house' (where there is common access to six apartments) - it is a sad commentary on British society that such selfish and 'solipsistic' behaviour is condoned. 12. Confirmation Confirmation of details Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third case - 'Eastern Front': Complaint essentials, filed 6th June 21: Details of your complaint Start date of incident Sunday, May 2, 2021 - 00:00 Start time of incident 2000 End date of incident Sunday, May 2, 2021 - 00:00 End time of incident 2015 Incident location Connops Way Incident number (if known) 20/597917/21 - Chat Log 3478 [Council Reference WK 202115893] What is your complaint about? Describe your complaint As in the transcript of Chat Log 3478: Connops Way, DY9 8UD 2000-2015 - asked dog-owner if he could quieten his dog that had been barking since my arrival (for about 20 minutes); owner approached with clenched fist and usual terms of abuse - grabbed my coat with left hand - I fended-off the assault with both hands to coat of assailant in the shoulder area - witness in rear drying area of Love Lane flats. Strained third finger to my left-hand. Vicky: Sorry have I understood correctly -you asked the dog owner to quieten his dog, and then the dog owner was aggresive? David William Austin: Yes, but this is classified as an assault isn't it? Vicky: I just wanted to confirm I understood correctly, I will need to make a report, yes. David William Austin: He's appeared, with his annoying, dirty dog within the last 12 months, but this is the first time we have 'met' and 'spoken'. Believe the character lives in 'block' 29-34, Love Lane Flats, DY9 8BS though he walked 'round to Connops Way in order to confront me. Complaint resolution What is your expected resolution? That the culprit is at least apprehended, interviewed, cautioned or prosecuted. Complaint circumstances If your complaint relates to discrimination, please tick if it refers to any of the following: Age 10. Witnesses to the incident Were there any witnesses to the incident? Yes Witness first name Unknown Witness last name Unkown Witness address Claycroft Estate The Lye Stourbridge, West Midlands 11. Additional Information Please use this section to provide any extra information It seems the only available step in this process is to make a complaint! This is very unfortunate as I've been trying to establish 'effective working relations' between myself and WiMP in resolving the challenges that face my community. One of them is The Dog, but WiMP, famously, in 'Sarah's Stitch-Up', acted as the Council's poodle by arresting me after complaints of harassment from a 'doggie' neighbour, when in fact, she had chased me! And here we have another complaint (the fourth) centred on a dog - yes, these hateful hounds are a significant part of Policing, but not all coppers are doggies! Is it possible that WiMP have deliberately delayed a request for CCTV images to miss the 30-day deadline? How can an identification fail when, on his own admission, this character has been about this area for up to twelve months and witnessed by yours truly? There may well have been some unfair discrimination on the grounds of age, or relative wisdom - surely, to solve problems between all sections of society we must focus on the environment that is shared by all and so badly abused, currently, by my neighbours' dogs? Fourth case - 'Sarah's Stitch-Up': As outlined during this morning's conversation, this has run almost as far as possible, without a Judicial Review: "I have now had a response from Brett Poulton of West Midlands Police. He has found some shortcomings but these, he says, do not represent a breach of 'Standards of Professional Behaviour' and have had no impact on [my] case - yet we have here a 'standard stitch-up' in which the Police have refused to collect evidence and interview my witnesses! Brett tells me that neither he, nor the West Midlands Police, nor the Police and Crime Commissioner, nor the IOPC can provide further assistance." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In conclusion, Law Enforcement has no interest in any of these cases; alarmingly, I have not received a promised update on the investigation of a recent attack (5th June 21) when I was left sprawling across Chapel Street DY9 after a 'good kicking'; it seems WMP consider I deserve such treatment - yet, as distinct from the local dogs, some of our druggies and many of our migrants, I perform in a toilet bowl! DWAustin 1st July 2021